Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tutorial #6 - Data Tables

A very useful feature of Petit Computers BASIC is the DATA command. If you are programming a game this will allow you to set up a table filled with strings and integers to your hearts content. For example instead of manually typing IF cases for every line of text in a game, you can just store it in a data table and have your code READ what string needs to be printed and be done with it. I am going to keep this tutorial simple, but feel free to ask any questions you may have.

  1. ACLS:CLEAR:CLS 'Clear our setup

  2. RESTORE @MSGDATA 'This will load the data after @MSGDATA
  3. READ MSGCOUNT 'This will read the first variable stored in DATA, and that is our message count (3)
  4. FOR LOOP = 1 TO MSGCOUNT ' Loop through our data table
  5.  READ MSGX, MSGY ' This will read the X and Y locations of where our message should be printed into the variables MSGX and MSGY
  6.  READ MESSAGE$ ' Read the message string
  7.  LOCATE MSGX, MSGY 'Set our cursor to the stored X/Y location
  8.  PRINT MESSAGE$ ' Print off our message
  10. END

  11. @MSGDATA 'This is the label for our data table
  12. DATA 3 'This will store the #3, our message count
  13. DATA 0,0,"Hello" 'This will store the x, y, and string to print
  14. DATA 1,1,"How are you?"
  15. DATA 4,3,"Goodbye"

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Topic 17 - Declarations and Assignment Commands
Topic 21 - Read
  • READ
  • DATA

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